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Trinity Lutheran School February Newsletter


Thank You

Thank you parents for your continued communication with teachers. Please continue to use them as resources for questions, concerns, or comments.


Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school is now open for all families interested in our program. There is still time to enroll; please grab an enrollment form from the office or talk to your current teacher to do so.

We currently have 14 enrolled in 4K (please note that our cap for this room is 20 children) and 5 enrolled in 3K. We are looking forward to a great school year ahead!

Refer a Family

We also would like to offer our families Scrip cards for referring other students to our program. Trinity families who refer another family to enroll will receive a $25 gift card! Supplies are limited. Please have the family who enrolled make a note on the enrollment form, or feel free to let us know yourself. Many of the students that we enroll here at Trinity find out about us through word of mouth and we want to say thank you to our families who continue to help us grow!

Children Sing in Church

On February 13th the children have another opportunity to sing at church. Church is held at 9 a.m., and we ask all school families to join us. Children will be invited forward during the service to sing their song. They will be singing "All Night, All Day." A video of the song and the lyrics can be found below. Please practice at home to make that morning go as smoothly as possible.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is coming up and we are looking forward to celebrating. Each classroom may have different ways of celebrating, so please check with your child's teacher about what that day will look like.

YMCA Nature Kids Program: Mammal Mania

Because of classroom quarantines, this program will now be taking place on February 2nd at 9 a.m. Look for pictures posted after in the classroom forums to see what it is all about!

Field Trip

Our second big field trip of the year will be February 23rd and we will be going to Building for Kids Children's Museum in Appleton! Permission slips have been sent home. Please make sure to read it carefully. Final counts for chaperones and children must be in by February 9th-no changes will be able to be made after that date.

Important Dates

February 2nd: "Mammal Mania"

February 10&11: No School; District Teacher's Conferences

February 13th: Children Sing in Church @ 9 a.m.

February 23rd: Building for Kids Field Trip



Emily Livieri, Early Childhood Director

Phone: 262-623-0624



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